Friday 27 November 2009

Ted Baker Colours

I experimented with a range of colours for the Ted Baker project. My tag-line is going to be"Keep it regal this autumn" using this image of a regal mustached gentleman. I'd like to apply these images across a range of objects, such as flyers, stickers, poster, point of purchase etc. to create a convincing campaign.

Thursday 26 November 2009


For the Ted Baker brief I am interested in working with Asymmetric grids to create images. If possible I would like to recreate this images on a larger scale using individual pieces of paper.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

New Briefs

OK I've pretty much finished my original four briefs and I am going to do 2 others between now and the end of the module. One of them is for Ted Baker and the other is for Bacardi, they're both from the 2009/2010 YCN Students Awards.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Environment Typography Environment Alterations

After my tutorial with Lorenzo I decided that the Environment typography Environment brief could be improved and seeing as I have spent so much time on it, it would be worth getting it just right.

These are the changes that we discussed:

  • Lorenzo said the copy inside the booklet was a bit weak. I always thought that the copy didn't matter as I am a designer not a copy writer, but Lorenzo said not having the right thing written inside the booklet could really kill the project. I decided it was worth trying to get something more appropriate in there. It needs to sound more like a sales pitch, more emotive and engaging to describe the project.

  • We agreed that the layouts needed to be more consistent; they needed more common elements or branding to hold them together and make the booklets work individually and as a set.

  • The packaging was poorly designed and made; it looks sloppy and needs to be reconsidered.

  • I decided I wanted to include a CD with the vectors files on in the package.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

I think I have pretty much finished the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland book cover. I got it out the way slightly quicker than I had planned but I am happy with the results. I'm at home at the moment on my dads computer so the photos are uncropped and unadjusted. I took them in the photocube and I think they look good. I just need to make up the boards now. I'm also thinking of shooting a press ad.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Gold Foiling

I decided to gold foil the type on my Alice's Adventures in Wonderland book cover.

It turned out to be pretty easy, as the gold foil sticks to the carbon in printer ink.

On the first attempt we used newsprint to protect the print out in the heat press. Unfortunately the newsprint stuck to the printer ink as well.

Second time lucky and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I think the gold foil goes really well with the overall look and feel of the design. It ties in nicely with the 'classic' look I wanted to go for.

Monday 16 November 2009

Environment Typography Environment

I took some photos of the (almost) finished Typography Environment Typography project. I'm pretty happy with how they came out, I think they do a good of displaying the project to its best.

I misspelt one of the words in the Quercia poster so I'm going to have to reprint that and photograph it.

I'm really temped to reprint all of the booklets/posters on some rough, uncoated stock. I had kind of imagined that that was what it should be printed out on. However the way it worked out the only good, thin inkjet paper James had was a really bright white.

I made the envelope in a bit of a rush so I might re-do that just to have good photos for the boards and my portfolio.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Sticker

Today I used the vinyl cutter to cut out a sticker to go on the front of the Alice's Adventures in wonderland book cover. I liked the idea of using a sticker on the front of a book to give it a tactile quality and a slightly more interesting look. However it didn't really work with this project for a couple of reasons: First the type on the bottle was actually too small for the machine to cut out and it ended up ripping and mangling it. I tried to enlarge it but it was still too small. The second reason it wasn't successful was because once the sticker was put on the book cover it was really hard to see and you couldn't really tell it was there at all. For these reason I won't be continuing with this route.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Headline Screen Printing

I printed my final piece for the Headline brief today. It all went suprisingly smoothly. I took a lot of care mixing the right blue this time. I didn't really consider how important it is that you get the right colours previous times I have screen printed.

Typography Booklets Mock-up

Part of the resolution of my Environment Typography Environment brief is to produce 3 booklet documenting the typefaces I have made. Here are some photos of the mock ups.

After our crit today these are the changes that I am going to make to them:

1. Make the cover design more consistant across the 3 booklets so they are more obviously part of a set.
2. Remove "The quick brown fox..." text from the inside of the booklets and replace it with something more creative and appropriate.
3. Remove the alphabet from the posters, and replace the single character with a more exciting typographic composition.
4. Deisgn some simple packaging to hold them together


I remember seeing books printed (I think) in the early part of this century that had beautiful marbled patterns on their inside covers. I'm not sure how these patterns were created but I thought I would have a go at creating my own. I set to work with acrylic paints and a sponge.

I think their slightly psychadelic, magical feel is very appropriate to Alice in Wonderland.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

I have decided to take in the Penguin Book design awards. I am going to enter the children's book category which is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I started to consider what visuals I had to work with and what would be appropriate images to use on the front cover.

I decided I wanted to base my design around the iconic bottle that has a label that says 'drink me' on. It is at the start of the book and kind takes Alice into Wonderland so I thought it would be appropriate to have on the cover, also I think that it something that most people remember about the book.

First I created a a bottle shape

I added a label

I also experimented with some text in a slightly off kilter, hand drawn style

I experimented combining the two. I am going to continue to develop these concepts.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Environment Typography Environment

Well I havn't posted in a while but here are some of my development sheet for Environment Typography Environment. I was thorough and experimented with a lot of ideas but i think I got a bit bogged down in the development stage of this project.