Sunday 22 November 2009

Environment Typography Environment Alterations

After my tutorial with Lorenzo I decided that the Environment typography Environment brief could be improved and seeing as I have spent so much time on it, it would be worth getting it just right.

These are the changes that we discussed:

  • Lorenzo said the copy inside the booklet was a bit weak. I always thought that the copy didn't matter as I am a designer not a copy writer, but Lorenzo said not having the right thing written inside the booklet could really kill the project. I decided it was worth trying to get something more appropriate in there. It needs to sound more like a sales pitch, more emotive and engaging to describe the project.

  • We agreed that the layouts needed to be more consistent; they needed more common elements or branding to hold them together and make the booklets work individually and as a set.

  • The packaging was poorly designed and made; it looks sloppy and needs to be reconsidered.

  • I decided I wanted to include a CD with the vectors files on in the package.

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