Friday 11 December 2009

Fedrigoni Paper Stocks

One of the main considerations of the Fedrigoni brief was how could you best showcase the range of Fedrigoni papers. I decided that I was going to design a calendar and bind it with several different paper-stocks. The caledar itself was 28 pages long, this meant that I needed 7 different sheets of paper to make up the booklet and therefore 7 different stocks. I sent off for the sample pack of Fedrigoni paper that was available on their website. However it still hasn't arrived so I've had to source a selection of paper from around leeds.

I wanted to use a selection of off white stocks, because I though this would tie in with the classic, sophisticated feel of my design. I also though that because the target audience was graphic designers they would really appricate the simplicity and purity of black ink on white paper.

Every page of the calendar has the paper type that it is printed on written in the bottom left hand corner. In order to make sure that I could match up the correct paper types with the correct pages, when setting up the Indesign documnet, I made a little mock up to work out which pages would be printed on which piece of paper.

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